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Our Peace Movement

Empowering the Community

As a large movement of activists, outreach is close to our hearts. We believe that the best solutions for society come from within, and make it our mission to build awareness so that this is a possibility across the world. We believe that humans are entitled to freedoms that can not be denied by any one man or a group no matter how powerful they may think they are.  Life is a gift and each of us is to decide how we would like to live it. We belive in autonomy, choice and kindness to one another.

We are all free, we all stand together to protect the earth and it's people and do what is right.  In light of recent evolution of certain ideas it is now more urgent than ever to spread message of peace just as much as tanding our ground for our entitlements. We are people, we are free and we are strong together! 

Founded in 2023, World Human Alliance has led numerous successful campaigns both in New York and across the nation. Through events, telethons, and online petitions organized by our dedicated members, we work to hold leaders and decision-makers accountable for their actions, moving them to rethink what is possible.

Home: About

Our Campaigns


Everyone Counts

World Human Alliance has built an environment of support and helpful resources to make sure that Partnership is always a priority. Our success is driven by the hearts, minds, and souls of our community. Come and join us.

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Ensuring that All Voices are Heard

Advocacy is an essential pillar of our Peace Movement. There is strength in numbers, and we work to inform and encourage others to take a stand for what they believe in. Want to learn more?

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No One Should be Silenced

As a large movement of activists, Outreach is close to our hearts. We believe that the best solutions for society come from within, and make it our mission to build awareness so that this is a possibility across the globe.

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Everyone Counts

World Human Alliance has built an environment of support and helpful resources to make sure that Partnership is always a priority. Our success is driven by the hearts, minds, and souls of our community. Come and join us.

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No One Should be Silenced

As a large movement of activists, Outreach is close to our hearts. We believe that the best solutions for society come from within, and make it our mission to build awareness so that this is a possibility across the world. We believe that humans are entitled to freedoms that can not be denied by any one man or a group no matter how powerful they may think they are.  Life is a gift and each of us is to decide how we would like to live it. We belive in autonomy, choice and kindness to one another.We are all free, we all stand together to protect the earth and it's people and do what is right.  In light of recent evolution of certain ideas it is now more urgent than ever to spread message of peace just as much as tanding our ground for our entitlements. We are people, we are free and we are strong together! 

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Do Your Part

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Our work is never done, and we can use all the help we can get. One of the ways you can take part is by Volunteering. Spread the word about all that World Human Alliance is doing, and help us gain the support we need.

Planning a Fundraiser

Active participation is an essential part of our movement’s success. Planning a Fundraiser is a great way to connect with your local community and spread the importance of our mission. With several different campaigns, it is easy to find something that personally inspires you.

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Find out more about the opportunities available to help out.

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